
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Season Finales! (How I Met Your Mother)

I love May Sweeps!

I don't exactly love that a finale means that I have to wait months to find out what happens though!

I'm thinking I'm going to blog about my reaction to some of the season finale's that have aired recently. Some of these posts will be Much shorter than others.

I'm going to start right here with How I Met Your Mother.

All season we've been waiting for news about this secret wedding! All season! What did we find out? Barney's the groom and that's all we know! Who's the Bride? Nora? Robin? Someone else?

I kind of figured Lily was pregnant. Not a real surprise there.

All in all not a fabulous season finale but it was still a good HIMYM episode in general.

I told you some of these would be smaller than others. I just don't have a lot to say about this one.