
Saturday, July 24, 2010


I finally got to see Inception. I've been waiting months for this movie!

I. Loved. It.

I might have to watch it two or three more times to grab onto some of the parts that I missed. I'm not used to watching multi-level movies. Although, I think I should be able to "suffer" through a few more viewings. I'm going to be all over this movie when it hits DVD!

If you like movies that make you think then this is totally for you! Also, the cast was excellent. To be honest I never was what you would call a "fan" of anyone in the movie, not that I don't like them, just that they're not on the top of my list. But, they were all just great in this movie! I particularly enjoyed Ellen Page and I think I'll be checking out more of her work. (To be honest, I don't know if I've ever seen her in anything. Always meant to watch Juno but never did.)

If you're going to see this movie make sure you PAY ATTENTION! It's easy to get lost if you're not following along.

Go see Inception!

This has been a spoiler free Inception appreciation post. Check back for a spoiler Full Inception appreciation post. :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Personality Quiz

I'm a Great Big Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan. I'm not ashamed to admit it either. That was a great show, with great writing.

Anywhere, somewhere along the line I came across this link: The 4-Variable Buffy Personality Test

You answer a bunch of silly questions and it tells you which character on Buffy you are most like.

I took the test. I was kind of expecting either Willow or Giles as I relate more to them than the others. However, when I got my result it occurred to me that, yea, it was kind of correct and I can totally see how it would compare me to . . .


Your result for The 4-Variable Buffy Personality Test...

Tara Maclay

45% amorality, 45% passion, 82% spirituality, 73% selflessness
What a woman!

Tara is a moral, centered, spiritual and selfless person... rather, I suspect, like you. People like this make those around them love them.

Congratulations! (and stay away from windows, just in case)

Take The 4-Variable Buffy Personality Test at OkCupid


Yup, I can actually see the "resemblance."

Who did you get?

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

I went to see The Sorcerer's Apprentice last week.

I'm not really sure what I was expecting. It looked promising but Nicolas Cage just isn't my favorite actor. Nothing personal he just doesn't do much for me. 

The movie itself wasn't too bad! It had funny moments and lots of action. It did seem to move a tad bit fast for me. At first the kid couldn't do anything and then at the end of the movie all of a sudden he was doing everything. I was like, What?

None of the characters were really endearing to me. Hence, I don't have a favorite. (Not because they were all great but because no one stood out.) If I was forced to pick I guess I would say Alfred Molina. Maybe more because of the actor than the character though.

I had no idea that the movie had anything to do with the Merlin legend. That was a nice surprise but I've been watching so much Merlin lately that I had some issues with it. Nothing huge just seeing Morgana (the Morgana I love so much in Merlin) evil and played by Alice Krige (not a fan of hers either, sorry).

I guess all in all it wasn't a bad movie but it's not going on my favorites list. Also, if you watch it there is a very short blip of a scene after the ending credits. Just so you know!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

How I Met Your Mother

Remember how I said I owe a lot to Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Uh huh. Not only did it introduce me to the wonderful Anthony Head and Emma Caulfield but it also introduced me to Alyson Hannigan.

I don't know if I could love her more. She's awesome! This isn't a post about Alyson Hannigan, although maybe one day I'll have one of those. This is about another show that I discovered because she is in it.

How I Met Your Mother is hilarious. Although, I seem to be a bad fan because I only recently started watching. I've got Toby Tivo set to record it on every channel that airs it but it's not enough! I want more!

Lily is great and she is definitely my favorite female on the show but you've GOT to love Barney. Neil Patrick Harris is so great! On a side note, who knew Doogie Howser would do so well later in life?

The rest of the cast is great too but Lily and Barney are defnitely my favorites. Right now I just wish I could afford the show on DVD. It would be much easier to catch up!

Friday, July 16, 2010


I guess I owe a lot Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I keep mentioning it, don't I?

I was introduced to a lot of actors through that show, including Emma Caulfield.

She was in a movie that was recently released and I really wanted to see. Luckily for me it's streaming instantly on Netflix (or I have no idea where I would have found it). TiMER

It's kind of like a Romance and Science Fiction all rolled into one.

You have a timer implanted in your arm and if your Soul Mate also has a timer it will begin to count down to the exact day you will meet them. For some it's a very short time and for others the timer is counting down for years.

Would you really want to know something like that? Not too mention, do you believe that there is JUST ONE person for everyone?

The timers do seem to cause a bit of problems. WHY would get a timer implanted if you were already married? Wouldn't you be worried that it might start counting down? Bummer!

Overall I actually enjoyed the movie. It didn't end at all how I expected which was refreshing. And Emma Caulfield was just as great as ever. How can you not love her?


And if you're a fan of Ms. Caulfield you can find her on Twitter, @EmmaCaulfield

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

I think I might have been the last person in the world to see this movie but I FINALLY watched it the other night.

Oh. My. Word. How did it get to be such a classic? I alternated between laughing out loud and realizing that my mouth was hanging open.

I've always liked Tim Curry but . . . Well, yea. I liked Susan Sarandon's character. I suppose you could call Janet my favorite but . . . Haha, it's so funny because I can barely find words to describe my feelings regarding this movie.

It seemed a bit thrown together. Or maybe I just didn't get it. I mean, was Eddie really necessary? You know besides the great entrance and then his presence at dinner later. What about the whole preacher and the farmer couple at the beginning. I was confused about that too.

And the ENDING! What the heck?! I don't even know where to begin with the ending. Aliens? Really? They were aliens? Frank dies? Oh yea, they were ALIENS?!!?

I don't feel so ridiculous for having waited so long to see this movie now. I will give it this though. They've got some awfully catchy songs! I knew half of them before I ever saw the movie of course, but it was neat seeing them in context. Hehe.

Now that I've seen the movie I have to say (like I already said) I love Tim Curry BUT . . . Anthony Head did Frank WAY better. Not to mention he's much sexier.

By the way, I've had the songs stuck in my head for DAYS!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Merlin - A Show That Surprised Me

So there's this guy . . . His name is Anthony Head. I fell in love with him in Buffy the Vampire Slayer WAY back when. Recently, however, he showed back up on my TV in a show called Merlin.

Merlin looked like one of those shows that I wouldn't be interested in. I only turned it on because of the genius that is Tony Head. Was I ever surprised when I discovered what a good show it actually is!.

I love every one of the characters in a different way. (Except for the Dragon. He annoys me to no end!)

There are some shows that make it very difficult for me to pick a favorite character (because they're all great) and this is one of them.

I do have a soft spot for Morgana. First, she reminds me of me. She isn't afraid to speak her mind. I also feel bad for her. The poor thing must be terrified. No wonder she goes off the deep end! I'm thinking I know how Uther may meet his end . . .

I have another soft spot for Gwen. Just because she' awesome. Very excited about her and Arthur. I wish their relationship would develop already!

Arthur I love because I can see a future King in him. He has intelligence and ruling smarts that he gets from his Dad but he also has compassion and understanding. He'll be a great King.

Uther Pendragon . . . Oh, Uther, how conflicted you make me. Some of my favorite and my least favorite scenes involve this jerk. Hehe. I love love his scenes with Arthur. I love that you can see how much he adores his son. I also HATE the way he treats Morgana (Although, you have to admit, she does ask for it most of the time). Also, he is freakin' creepy scary! (Once again, Morgana must just be terrified of him.) But even with all my love/hate for Uther his scenes will always make me happiest, because there is never going to be a time that I can't adore Anthony Head. (Even if he is scaring the crap out of me at the time!)

I know I didn't mention Merlin or Gaius but I love them both too! Everyone is awesome!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Welcome to my new ranting and raving blog.

When I watch a TV show or movie I tend to get rather involved. I enjoy commenting on the content, cast or characters. I thought this would be a great way to be able to do that without annoying anyone. Here you can choose to read or choose not to read and I still get to make my points!

I enjoy many TV shows but sometimes I get into a rut regarding one show or another. So, there may be multiple posts on one show or movie until I feel the need to move on.

Some of the shows that I foresee being mentioned here may include, but are not limited to:

The Mentalist
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

If any of these interest you then you might want to stay tuned. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by!